Bruté Society
An honorary association of southwestern Indiana Catholics, the Bruté Society includes lay persons who have been recognized by their fellow parishioners as outstanding models of Christian stewardship. Inductees are selected annually through a parish-wide nomination process. Established in 1990 as an official activity of the Diocese of Evansville, the Bruté Society was established to accomplish several purposes:
- To acknowledge and give thanks to God for exemplary Catholic stewardship demonstrated by individual members of the parishes of the Diocese of Evansville.
- To promote an ever-deepening commitment to stewardship as the way of life for all Catholics in southwestern Indiana.
- To give public witness to the unity of all parishes of the Diocese of Evansville.
- To provide an annual inspirational celebration for the Catholic Church in southwestern Indiana.
Sts. Peter & Paul Bruté Society Recipients
Karen Adams
Kenny & Debbie Allen Leo & Donna Anslinger Larry & Diana Beatty Ed & Annlee Botzum Alice Chamberlain Dan Deer Tom & Janet Dewig Alberta Eaton Amelian Elpers Bill & Laura Goedde Gary & Kristie Goedde Joe & Janith Goedde Paul & Kelli Goedde Terry & Kim Goedde Larry & Shirley Haley Dean Happe Jim & Brenda Helfrich Kenny & Sue Hirsch Joe & Sue Hopf Esther Humpert Bernie & Karen Keil Helen Kiesel Kenny & Betty Kissel Rick & Vicky Knapp Jason & Kristy Kruger Jim & Diane Lamey Mark Lutz Virgil Maier Doris Martin Kent & Kelle Maurer Ed & Mary May Jim & Mary Alice McDonald |
Vertical Divider
Mary Magdalen Meny
Bud & Elvira Meny Richard & Kathleen Meyer Tom & Ann Minnis Don & Jane Rhodes Wilma Riedford Vernon & Hilda Schaefer Tom Schmitt Jerry & Martha Schmitt Rick & Lois Schmitt Robert J Seib Andy & Anna Mae Seib Ron & Martha Seib Russ & Kathy Seibert Danny & Judy Simon Ann Sobotka Gene & Brenda Spindler Joe Stoll Matt & Stephanie Stoll Fred & Jonelle Tenbarge Charles & Anna Mae Tenbarge Don & Elaine Tenbarge Wilfred & Mary Jane Tenbarge Richard & Peggy Tepool Jim Wallace Steve Weber Shelley Weiss Charlie & Sandy Wilhite Dave & Lucy Will Tony & Jonette Wilson Steve & Linda Wilzbacher Dave & Joyce Wilzbacher Jerry & Patty Woehler |